- Croatian language is a southern Slavonic language which is used by over 5.5 million people. It is the official language of the Republic of Croatia. When Croatia joined the EU in 2013, it became one of the official languages of the European Union It is also used by Croatian ethnic and minority groups in Serbia, Montenegro, Slovenia, Italy, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, USA, Australia and other countries. Croatia can boast of being the motherland of famous scientists like Nikola Tesla (electricity), Slavoljub Penkala (ballpoint pen) and Andrija Mohorovicic (seismologist). Some Croatian artists, who have made significant contribution to the world of arts are: Miroslav Krleza (literature), Ivo Andric (literature), Dubravka Ugresic (literature), Ivo Pogorelic (music), and Ivan Mestrovic (sculpture).
The Croatian language can help students to understand the functioning of the Slavonic Grammatical system better. It can also help them in understanding and appreciating the phenomenon of the multicultural identity of Europe and the European Union. Students are offered scholarships to pursue higher studies in Croatia.
Scope: The knowledge of Croatian will help students to acquire jobs in the firms which have collaborations with Indian firms. New opportunities are opening in the fields of tourism and hospitality and B.P.O also.
- Certificate in Croatian Language
- Diploma in Croatian Language
- Advanced Diploma in Croatian Language
- Important Links for Croatian language